Meet Our BRUT IPA Citra Nova
In February, we launched our Brut IPA Citra Nova, the newest permanent member of our Saggy Stone family. We had a very successful launch party for it on First Thursday at Unfiltered on Kloof. With awesome beer specials, good food and live music by Manny Walters & Kayla the Crow. It was so much fun that we might even host some more in the future!
There are many things that make our Citra Nova so delicious. Firstly, it’s perfect for the South African climate. It’s light, dry and highly carbonated which makes it so refreshing.
Secondly, it showcases hop superstars like Citra. We use the best quality hops, and these give the beer all of its fruity citrus aroma and flavour. We’re really excited about the Brut IPA Range and feel it’s a great addition to the wonderful world of beer!